
Our consultant team compose of many researchers with various academic backgrounds and experiences on sustainability issues.



President Director

Novi obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Agribusiness Management and Master’s degree in Small and Middle Class Industry Profession from BogorAgricultural Institute, Bogor, Indonesia. He is a Certified Sustainability Reporting Specialist (CSRS) and Assuror (CSRA), has expertise in sustainable agriculture and organic farming design for the enhancement of income of small producers, and capacity building for farmers. Novi has participated in various trainings in relation with CSR and sustainable development, such as ISO 26000 Guidance on Social Responsibility, Community development and Investment, Social Return on Investment (SROI), Carbon Footprint on CSR Asia in Singapore, Hong Kong, and Malaysia. He is experienced in Rural Development Management, has extensive ties with CBos, NGOs, and I-NGOs for sustainable agriculture management issues, Sustainability Livelihood, Participatory Guarantee System for organic farming, and Fair Trade, and accustomed to working for various donor programs, e.g. Resources and Community Business Potentials Mapping in Flores (World Neighbors, 2010), Commodity Mapping and Employment Opportunity Assessment in Aceh (Caritas, Swiss, 2010), Commodities and CBOs Mapping for Economic Development Facility Fund (EDFF) in Aceh (Hivos, the Netherland), and Value Chains for Potential Commodities in Aceh (Caritas, Czech Republic, 2009).


Director For Business

Reza obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Social and Economic Studies from Bogor Agricultural Institute, Bogor, Indonesia. He is a Certified Sustainability Reporting Specialist (CSRS) and Assuror (CSRA). Reza has the knowledge and technical experiences in business and regulations, stakeholder mapping, CSR communication strategy, and sustainability reporting. He has participated in various trainings in relation with environment, CSR and sustainable development, such as ISO 26000 Guidance on Social Responsibility, Community Development and Investment, Carbon Footprint on CSR Asia in Singapore and Malaysia. Reza has conducted various stakeholder mappings for the risk analysis and for the base of various community development programs for companies, Analysis of Business Risks of regulations and the management program for the company's social, economic and environmental programs. Since 2004, Reza has also been conducting more than 15 issues and stakeholder mappings for several well- known companies in Indonesia, including Discovery Metals Limited (2011), PT Dairi Prima Mineral (2011), Churchill Mining PLC (2011), Indo Tambangraya Megah (2011), PT Tirta Investama (since 2005), Newmont Pacific Nusantara (2008), and Freeport Indonesia (2004, 2006). All organizations and their locations have links to natural resource management, including water. Before joining A+ CSR Indonesia, Reza had worked for the Natural Resources Management Project at ICRAF SE Asia Program (2003).


Senior Advisor

Taufik obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Islamic Studies from Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta, and Master’s degree in Sociology from University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia. He is a Certified Sustainability Reporting Specialist (CSRS), has expertise in social mapping, stakeholder identification and analysis, sustainability reporting, socio-political risks analysis, community development, and social works and environment due diligence. Taufik has been providing many trainings on stakeholder mapping and Corporate Social Impact Management, and participated in various trainings in relation to CSR and Community Development, such as ISO 26000 Guidance on Social Responsibility, Community Development and Investment, Carbon Footprint on CSR Asia in Singapore and Malaysia. Since 2004, Taufik has also been conducting more than 15 issues and stakeholder mappings for several well-known companies in Indonesia, including Discovery Metals Limited (2011), PT Dairi Prima Mineral (2011), Churchill Mining PLC (2011), Indo Tambangraya Megah (2011), PT Tirta Investama (since 2005), Newmont Pacific Nusantara (2008), and Freeport Indonesia (2004, 2006). All organizations and their locations have links to natural resource management, including water.




Made Sudarma obtained his Bachelor’s degree from Udayana University, Master’s degree from Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB), and Doctoral degree from Udayana University. Focusing on the government's efforts on environmental management, he currently is the Head of the Environmental Research Center of Udayana University, Bali. Made’s current active environmental projects includes Water for Sustainable Development (WSD) in Bali, Indonesia with the United Nation University-Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS), Udayana University; Regional Waste Management in Indonesia and other Asian countries with ERIA, IDE-JETRO, Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta; Increasing Capacity of Climate Change Adaptation with the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), Jakarta; and Accelerating the Transformation towards Sustainable Low-carbon and Resilient Cities in Asia with University of Tokyo Institutes for Advanced Study (UTIAS), Japan.


Joko Mariyono is a development economist, specialized in rural and agricultural economics. He holds PhD from The Australian National University, Canberra. Since 1990s, he has been one of scientists focusing on agricultural production. He works for Universitas Diponegoro - Semarang. He also serves as independent research consultant, and his expertise includes micro-econometrics and micro-economic modelling, micro-economic impact evaluation of economics of agricultural development, innovation and dissemination of technologies, economic sustainability of rural and agriculture development, and environmental economics. He has robust experience on survey and research in horticultural crops and food crops in Indonesia. Previously, he served as consultant/national expert for UN-FAO on the save and grow of rice farming; research consultant for AIP-Rural projects (ARISA and PRISMA) funded by Australian government; worked for The World Vegetable Center as Research Associate for Socio-economics of AusAID-funded project on integrated disease management of chilli in Central Java; and as Project Coordinator of USAID-funded Research and Development Project on improvement of vegetable-related technologies in East Java and Bali, Indonesia.


Farid Abud Alkatiri is a lecturer at Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Science, University of Muhammadiyah Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia, since February 2019. He obtained his Bachelor’s degree in International Studies from Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia, Master’s degree in Social Development from Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, and completed his Doctoral degree in Sociology from University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia. Joko has specific research interests in social capital, social exclusion, land access, migration, and mining conflict. Besides teaching, he is also actively involved in several research projects throughout Indonesia on corporate social responsibility issues, social impact assessment, community development program, state-corporate- community relations. Farid has also published several academic journals, i.e. Alkatiri, FA. (2018). Land Exclusion of the Former East Timorese Refugees in Belu Regency, West Timor. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 9 (6), 118-127. DOI: 10.30845/ijbss.v9n6a14; Alkatiri, FA. (2018). Akses Tanah dan Kendala Legitimasi Eks-Pengungsi Timor Timur di Kabupaten Belu. Jurnal Kawistara, 8 (1), 22-32. Alkatiri, F. (2020). The Security Dimension and the Formation of Social Exclusion in the Border of Belu Regency, Indonesia. Changing Societies & Personalities, 4(1), 31–52. DOI: 10.15826/csp.2020.4.1.088.


Gde Suarja obtained his Bachelor’s degree from Udayana University. He is experienced in extensive program management for VECO Indonesia, focusing on Sustainable Agricultural Change Development (SACD), and for HIVOS, from the Netherlands, for Indonesian Domestic Biogas Program (IDBP). He has expertise in facilitating PCM (Project Cycle Management), OOPP (Oriented Objective Project Planning), Management-based Strategic Planning, and has been facilitating various participative approaches, such as Participatory Rural Appraisal, OOPP/ZOPP, Result-based Management, Organizational Development and Institutional Strengthening (OD/IS), Sustainable Livelihood Approach. Gde Suarja is also a reliable consultant in Organizational Development: Organizational Capacity Assessment (OCA), including in needs assessment, strategic planning, and participatory supervision and evaluation.


Sigit is an agricultural engineer who graduated from Bogor Agricultural Institute with a degree in Agricultural Cultivation. He has more than 10 years of experience in agriculture, especially organic farming, organizational capacity enhancement for farmers and social organization, and has collaborated several times with international organizations in Capacity Enhancement Programs for farmers and social organizations, livelihood, Internal Control System development and market access development. Sigit is currently active in many organic farmers' association, and listed as an active member of the DPA-AOI (Indonesian Organist Alliance). His previous career included working as organic farmers’ aide, researcher for various CSR programs, e.g. Issues and Stakeholder Mapping for PT MUTU (2015), study team member of Evaluation Program for PT Nusa Halmahera Mineral (2015), Stakeholder Mapping for PT Thiess Contractor Indonesia (2014), Baseline Studies in Pomalaa and Badohopi Sites for PT Vale Indonesia (2015), and supporting team member for Integrated Community Development for PT Vale Indonesia (2014).


Pius is a graduate teacher from Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia―a professional expert in social, economy, and organic agriculture, including farmer organization. He previously involved as a consultant in Agricultural Development Program in Kapuas Hulu (AOI, 2017), and Forest Development Program for Women’s Welfare (WRI and MCAI, 2017), a study team member for Social Impacts on Mining Sites in South Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, and Central Sulawesi (2015), a forum facilitator for Cacao Farmers Forum of Gunung Kidul (2014-present), a study team member in Social Impact Assessment of Solo-Ngawi Toll Road (A+ CSR Indonesia, 2014), a planning consultant for Farmers’ Businesses in Panajem Paser Utara, East Kalimantan (Swisscontact Foundation-Jakarta, 2014), a facilitator for Kulon Progo Farmers Network (Jatirogo, 2003-2010), a development consultant for Economic Organization of Cocoa Farmers (LSM PERDU Manokwari, 2010), an organic agriculture consultant in Rembang Regency (in partnership with PLAN International, 2006), and the writers team member of the Organic Farming Standards (Organic Farming Networks, 2002).


Junpiter obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Product Technology from the University of North Sumatra (USU). His previous career includes worked for the Community Initiative Study and Development Group (KSPPM) based in Girsang Sipanganbolon, Parapat, Simalungun (2014-2015), served as Chairman of the Election Supervisory Committee (Panwaslih) of Toba Samosir Regency for the election of the Regent/Deputy Regent of Toba Samosir (2015-2016), served as Coordinator of the Community-based Rehabilitation Program (RBM) at the Hephata Orphanage, HKBP-based in Laguboti Sub-district, Toba Samosir Regency (2017-present), served as Secretary of the Asian Rural Institute (ARI) Alumni Forum-Japan in North Sumatra (2017). He participated in Organic Farming Marketing Training facilitated by the Green Net (Thailand, 2015) and the Indonesian Organic Alliance (AOI) (Bogor, 2008), Leadership Training at the Asian Rural Institute (Japan, 2011), and study Leadership with iLEAP (USA, 2012).


Faisol holds a Bachelor’s degree in Islamic Counseling from UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta, Master’s degree in Islamic Education Psychology from Muhammadiyah University, Yogyakarta, and is currently pursuing his Doctoral degree in Multicultural Islamic Education at the Malang Islamic University (UNISMA). Since 2005 he was actively involved as (BNSP certified and National LAPENKOP-certified) trainer, writer, and project developer (all the way from design, implementation, to monitoring and evaluation) in cooperative and MSME economic development programs, education and development programs with governments, companies and international NGOs. Founder of FAST Spirit International, a capacity building organization and organization, Faisol currently also trusted as the Regional Head of the East Java Cooperative Education Institute (LAPENKOP), and has become Team Leader of several community empowerment projects in Indonesia, and Associate Consultant at A+ CSR Indonesia (Bogor), Micra Indonesia (Jakarta), PT Quantum Asia Corpora (Jakarta), and several other companies. His passion in writing has channeled him to actively develop learning modules, conduct applied research and publications in research journals, while also actively submit editorial opinion on economics, education, and multiculturalism issues to online media. In the field of education, Fajar was one of the extraordinary lecturers at Iskandar Muda University in Banda Aceh, and currently serves as extraordinary lecturer at the Muhammadiyah University in Surabaya.


Anugerah Barzanzi holds a Bachelor’s degree in Anthropology in Socio-Political Sciences from Sam Ratulangi University, Manado. His experience including conducting a social anthropology-based studies, specifically on local customs, a study about the social life in culinary centre at Jalan Roda in Manado (2018), and support the study team for Stakeholder Mapping and Issue Analysis in Pohuwato Regency, Gorontalo Province with A+ CSR Indonesia (2019).